24 + 2.8
10 + 1
22 + 2.7
Movement Speed 295
Turn Rate 0.5
Day/Night Sight Range 1800/800
Attack Range 600
Missile Speed 1200
Attack Point 0.3
Base Attack Time 1.7
Level 1 16 25
Health 680 1560 2420
Mana 339 843 1347
Min Damage 46 88 130
Max Damage 56 98 140
Armor 2.4 4.78 8.56
Attacks / Second 0.65 0.75 0.91
Level Talents
10 +5% Fatal Bonds Damage+150 Cast Range
15 +60% XP Gain-7s Shadow Word Cooldown
20 Summons a Golem on death300 Shadow Word AoE
25 +20 Chaotic Offering Golems ArmorMagic Immunity for Chaotic Offering Golems

As Chief Curator and Head of Acquisitions for the Arcane Archives of the Ultimyr Academy, Demnok Lannik was tireless in his pursuit of lost, rare and forbidden tomes. No cursed temple was so foreboding, no cavern path so treacherous, that any concern for his own survival could dissuade him from entering if rumors hinted that some pamphlet of primordial lore might still survive in its depths. However, so often did his investigations trigger the wrath of protector entities, that he finally found it necessary to master the arts of magic. He bent himself to learning sorcery with the same thorough obsessiveness that marked his quest for incunabula, becoming the most powerful Warlock of the Academy in less time than most practitioners required to complete a course of undergraduate work. Almost as an afterthought, he carved a staff of Dreadwood and summoned into it a captive spirit from the Outer Hells. And anticipating the day when he will have recovered every last lost spellbook, he has commenced writing his own Black Grimoire. It will undoubtedly be instructive.

Fatal Bonds
Ability: Target Unit
Binds several enemy units together, causing a percentage of the damage dealt to one of them to be felt by the others.
COOLDOWN: 24 / 22 / 20 / 18
ENEMIES BOUND: 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
Shadow Word
Ability: Target Unit Damage: Magical
Warlock whispers an incantation, healing a friendly unit or damaging an enemy unit over time.
MANA COST: 120 / 130 / 140 / 150
RANGE: 450 / 550 / 650 / 750
Ability: Target Point, Channeled
CHANNELED - A powerful slowing current that grows stronger as it's channelled. Lasts up to 16 seconds. Enemies are slowed for 3 seconds after leaving the area or the spell ends.
COOLDOWN: 50 / 46 / 42 / 38
MANA COST: 100 / 110 / 120 / 130
RADIUS: 650 / 650 / 650 / 650
MAX SLOW CHANNEL: 12.5 / 6.5 / 4.5 / 3.5
%MAX SLOW: 84.0
Chaotic Offering
Ability: Target Point Damage: Magical
Summons a Golem from the depths, stunning enemies for one second. The Golem lives 60 seconds, takes reduced damage from spells, has Permanent Immolation and Flaming Fists on attack.

Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter.
MANA COST: 250 / 375 / 500
GOLEM HEALTH: 1000 / 2000 / 3000
GOLEM DAMAGE: 75 / 125 / 175
GOLEM ARMOR: 6 / 9 / 12
GOLEM HEALTH REGEN: 25 / 50 / 75
SCEPTER GOLEM HEALTH: 750 / 1500 / 2250

Patch History

6.83 Fatal Bonds cast range increased from 800 to 900
6.83 Fatal Bonds radius increased from 575 to 700
6.83 Shadow Word can now be casted on spell immune allies
6.82c Flaming Fists damage type changed from Magical to Pure (pierces Spell Immunity) and damage rescaled from 100/150/200 to 80/115/150
6.82 Fatal Bonds now shares the same damage type that is dealt to it, before it is reduced
6.82 Fatal Bonds damage percentage from 20% to 25%
6.82 Golem attack range increased from 100 to 225
6.82 Golem HP regeneration increased from 15/20/25 to 15/30/45
6.82 Golem Immolation area of effect increased from 250 to 300
6.82 Golem Flaming Fists chance reduced from 60% to 40%
6.82 Flaming Fists damage no longer pierces spell immunity
6.82 Shadow Word is now properly dispellable
6.81 Shadow Word duration increased from 9 to 11
6.81 Upheaval cooldown reduced from 50 to 50/46/42/38
6.80 Upheaval max duration increased from 12 to 16
6.79 Fatal Bonds now links the closest units to the initial target, instead of randomly choosing targets in its AoE
6.79 Upheaval cast range increased from 700 to 1200
6.79 Upheaval duration increased from 10 to 12
6.79 Removed Chaotic Offering 100 impact damage
6.79 Chaotic Offering Golem armor increased from 5/7/10 to 6/9/12
6.79 Chaotic Offering manacost increased from 200/250/300 to 200/300/400
6.77 Shadow Word cooldown decreased from 20 to 16
6.76 Infernal attack damage increased from 50/75/100 to 75/100/125
6.75 Shadow Word damage/heal increased from 10/20/30/40 to 15/25/35/45 per second
6.74 Infernal's Permanent Immolation damage increased from 20/30/40 to 30/40/50 per second
6.74 Shadow Word duration increased from 8 to 9 seconds
6.73 Infernal's Flaming Fists damage increased from 75/115/150 to 100/150/200
6.73 Infernal's Flaming Fists trigger chance increased from 40% to 60%
6.72c Shadow Word cooldown reduced from 24 to 20
6.72 Upheaval cooldown decreased from 65 to 50
6.72 Fatal Bonds link count increased from 2/3/4/5 to 3/4/5/6
6.72 Fatal Bonds casting range increased from 600 to 800
6.71 Rain of Chaos Aghanim Infernals HP and damage increased from 50% of original to 75%
6.70 Fatal Bonds damage from 15 to 20%
6.69 Increased Infernal movement speed from 320/330/340 to 320/340/360
6.69 Immolation from multiple Infernals now stack
6.68 Fatal Bonds cooldown decreased from 30 to 25
6.68 Added Aghanim's Scepter to Warlock
6.66 Fatal Bonds damage increased from 3.75/7.5/11.25/15% to 15%
6.66 Fatal Bonds link count reduced from 5 to 2/3/4/5
6.65 Upheaval cooldown increased from 20 to 65 seconds
6.52 Changed Fatal Bonds from damage to HP loss (numbers adjusted to keep it at the same effectiveness)