Movement Speed | 275 |
Turn Rate | 0.5 |
Day/Night Sight Range | 1800/800 |
Attack Range | 450 |
Missile Speed | 900 |
Attack Point | 0.3 |
Base Attack Time | 1.7 |
Level | 1 | 16 | 25 |
Health | 580 | 1180 | 1880 |
Mana | 279 | 627 | 1035 |
Min Damage | 38 | 82 | 125 |
Max Damage | 40 | 84 | 127 |
Armor | 3.08 | 9.24 | 15.26 |
Attacks / Second | 0.72 | 0.98 | 1.23 |
Level | Talents | |
10 | -8 Venomous Gale CD | +90 Gold/Min |
15 | +200 Cast Range | +6% Poison Sting Slow |
20 | +7s Poison Nova Duration | Gale Hero Impact Summons 2 Wards |
25 | +800 Poison Nova AoE | 3x Plague Ward HP/Damage |
In the Acid Jungles of Jidi Isle, poison runs in the veins and bubbles in the guts of every creature that scuttles, climbs or swoops between fluorescent vines dripping with caustic sap. Yet even in this toxic menagerie, Venomancer is acknowledged as the most venomous. Ages ago, an Herbalist named Lesale crossed the Bay of Fradj by coracle, searching for potent essences that might be extracted from bark and root, and found instead a nightmare transformation. Two leagues into Jidi's jungle, Lesale encountered a reptile camouflaged as an epiphyte, which stung him as he mistakenly plucked it. In desperation, he used his partial knowledge of the jungle's herbal bounty, mixing the venom of the (swiftly throttled) reptile with the nectar of an armored orchid, to compound an antidote. In the moments before a black paralysis claimed him completely, he injected himself by orchid-thorn, and instantly fell into a coma. Seventeen years later, something stirred in the spot where he had fallen, throwing off the years' accumulation of humus: Venomancer. Lesale the Herbalist no longer—but Lesale the Deathbringer. His mind was all but erased, and his flesh had been consumed and replaced by a new type of matter—one fusing the venom of the reptile with the poisonous integument of the orchid. Jidi's Acid Jungles knew a new master, one before whom even the most vicious predators soon learned to bow or burrow for their lives. The lurid isle proved too confining, and some human hunger deep in the heart of the Venomancer drove Lesale out in search of new poisons—and new deaths to bring.

COOLDOWN: | 21 / 20 / 19 / 18 |
MANA COST: | 125 |
DURATION: | 15 / 15 / 15 / 15 |
INITIAL DAMAGE: | 25 / 50 / 75 / 100 |
DAMAGE PER TICK: | 10 / 40 / 70 / 100 |
%SLOW: | -50 / -50 / -50 / -50 |

DURATION: | 6 / 9 / 12 / 15 |
DAMAGE PER SECOND: | 6 / 14 / 22 / 30 |
%SLOW: | -11 / -12 / -13 / -14 |

MANA COST: | 20 / 20 / 20 / 20 |
DURATION: | 40.0 |
WARD HP: | 75 / 200 / 325 / 450 |
WARD DAMAGE: | 13 / 22 / 31 / 40 |

Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter.
COOLDOWN: | 140 / 120 / 100 |
MANA COST: | 200 / 300 / 400 |
RADIUS: | 830 |
DURATION: | 18.0 |
DAMAGE: | 30 / 55 / 80 |
SCEPTER COOLDOWN: | 140 / 120 / 60 |
SCEPTER DAMAGE: | 60 / 85 / 110 |
Patch History
6.82 | Poison Nova applies its debuff on Spell Immune enemies |
6.82 | Poison Nova can no longer be dispelled |
6.80 | Base damage reduced by 5 |
6.80 | Base HP regen reduced from 0.75 to the default 0.25 |
6.79c | Plague Wards night vision reduced from 1200 to 800 |
6.79c | Venomancer base movement speed reduced from 290 to 285 |
6.79 | Poison Nova no longer ignores invis/fogged units |
6.79 | Venomous Gale no longer ignores invis units |
6.79 | Venomous Gale damage over time rebalanced from 15/30/45/60 to 0/30/60/90 |
6.79 | Poison Sting duration increased from 6/8/10/12 to 6/9/12/15 |
6.79 | Poison Sting dps no longer dispels healing or disables dagger |
6.79 | Plague Wards now have Poison Sting for 50% of the damage at the current skilled level (When both Venomancer and a Plague Ward affect a target, only the highest dps is applied) |
6.79 | Plague Wards XP bounty increased from 12/12/25/25 to 20/25/30/35 |
6.78 | Poison Sting duration increased from 6/7/8/9 to 6/8/10/12 |
6.76 | Poison Sting duration rescaled from 7 to 6/7/8/9 |
6.76 | Venomous Gale manacost rescaled from 90/105/120/135 to 125 |
6.76 | Venomous Gale initial damage rescaled from 50/70/70/100 to 25/50/75/100 |
6.76 | Venomous Gale damage per tick increased from 10/20/40/50 to 15/30/45/60 |
6.75 | Plague Wards vision decreased from 1400 to 1200 |
6.72 | Base HP regeneration increased from 0.25 to 0.75 |
6.69 | Plague Ward's bounty increased from 3-9 to 14-17 |
6.68 | Poison Sting slow from 10 to 11/12/13/14 |
6.67 | Poison Nova duration increased from 12 to 12/14/15/16 (Agh's) seconds |
6.58 | Reworked Shadow Strike |
6.69 | Improved Plague Ward cast range and vision radius |
6.69 | Poison Sting damage type is now lethal |