Movement Speed | 320 |
Turn Rate | 0.5 |
Day/Night Sight Range | 1800/800 |
Attack Range | 150 |
Missile Speed | — |
Attack Point | 0.5 |
Base Attack Time | 1.7 |
Level | 1 | 16 | 25 |
Health | 640 | 1640 | 2560 |
Mana | 291 | 531 | 867 |
Min Damage | 51 | 101 | 147 |
Max Damage | 81 | 131 | 177 |
Armor | 2.96 | 7.58 | 12.76 |
Attacks / Second | 0.67 | 0.87 | 1.08 |
Level | Talents | |
10 | +5 All Stats | +20 Movement Speed |
15 | +15 Strength | 12% Cooldown Reduction |
20 | +150 Gold/Min | Reality Rift Pierces Spell Immune |
25 | -7 Reality Rift Armor Reduction | +2 Max Chaos Bolt Duration |
The veteran of countless battles on a thousand worlds, Chaos Knight hails from a far upstream plane where the fundamental laws of the universe have found sentient expression. Of all the ancient Fundamentals, he is the oldest and most tireless, endlessly searching out a being he knows only as \"The Light.\" Long ago the Light ventured out from the progenitor realm, in defiance of the first covenant. Now Chaos Knight shifts from plane to plane, always on the hunt to extinguish the Light wherever he finds it. A thousand times he has snuffed out the source, and always he slides into another plane to continue his search anew.
Upon his steed Armageddon he rides, wading into battle with maniacal frenzy, drawing strength from the disorder of the universe. A physical manifestation of chaos itself, in times of need he calls upon other versions of himself from other planes, and together these dark horsemen ride into battle, as unstoppable as any force of nature. Only when the last Light of the world is scoured from existence will the search be ended. Where rides the Chaos Knight, death soon follows.

COOLDOWN: | 10 / 10 / 10 / 10 |
MANA COST: | 140 / 140 / 140 / 140 |
MINIMUM STUN: | 1 / 1 / 1 / 2 |
MAXIMUM STUN: | 2 / 3 / 4 / 4 |
MINIMUM DAMAGE: | 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 |
MAXIMUM DAMAGE: | 200 / 225 / 250 / 275 |

COOLDOWN: | 18 / 14 / 10 / 6 |
MANA COST: | 50 |
RANGE: | 550 / 600 / 650 / 700 |
ARMOR REDUCTION: | 1 / 3 / 5 / 7 |

%CRITICAL DAMAGE: | 125 / 175 / 225 / 275 |

Upgradeable by Aghanim's Scepter.
DISPEL TYPE: Basic Dispel
COOLDOWN: | 145 |
MANA COST: | 125 / 200 / 275 |
NUMBER OF PHANTASMS: | 1 / 2 / 3 |
%PHANTASM DAMAGE: | 100 / 100 / 100 |
Patch History
6.83 | Reality Rift damage increased from 25/50/75/100 to 60/80/100/120 |
6.83 | Reality Rift mana cost from 70 to 50 |
6.83 | Phantasm illusion duration increased from 34 to 42 |
6.82 | Phantasm Illusion duration increased from 24 to 34 |
6.81 | Phantasm now has a 50% chance to create one extra illusion when cast |
6.79 | Chaos Bolt damage and stun values are now inversely related |
6.75 | Chaos Bolt's stun is no longer partially undodgeable (now a normal projectile with 1000 speed) |
6.72c | Phantasm cooldown reduced from 180/160/140 to 140 |
6.72c | Phantasm manacost reduced from 175/225/275 to 125/200/275 |
6.72 | Chaos Bolt damage improved from 1-200 to 1-200/50-225/75-250/100-275 |
6.72 | Base strength increased by 3 |
6.71 | Phantasm duration increased from 20 to 24 |
6.68 | Reality Rift manacost increased from 50 to 70 |
6.68 | Starting str decreased by 4 and increased base damage by 4 to keep it constant |
6.65 | Cast Point Improved |
6.65 | Reworked his Blink Strike |
6.63 | Phantasm cooldown decreased from 180 to 180/160/140 |
6.59 | Improved Chaos Knight's cast point |